Goat Pens for Sale

Custom-built, functional, and durable goat pens for hassle-free herd management and healthier animals.

Custom Goat Pens To Streamline Your Farm and Make Goat Herding Easier

At Little Mountain Steel Fabrication, we’re well aware of the struggles goat owners endure with inadequate pens. Overcrowding from a growing herd, challenging daily maintenance tasks, and health risks from accumulated waste can all be significant frustrations.

If you’re annoyed and dissatisfied with your current goat pen situation, we can help. Little Mountain Steel Fabrication offers robust solutions to goat containment, with custom galvanized steel goat pens designed for durability and longevity – shipped right to you. They’re spacious, allowing your growing herd to rest comfortably without overcrowding, and our systems prioritize ease of access for feeding and cleaning, improving your daily management tasks.

From kidding areas to isolation zones for sick goats, we’ve got the best goat pens for your farm.

Why Little Mountain Is The Clear Choice in Goat Pens - Experience

In 2004, we set out to design and build our own small animal confinement systems. Two decades of experience in steelworking and welding have helped us to make a product that is functional, durable, and flexible.

Today, our panels are versatile, allowing you to make many configurations from a few basic panels. They allow for easy expansion of your goat or sheep facility with just a few additional panels, and we are constantly improving our designs and producing new products to make your livestock experience even more enjoyable.

And, our innovative goat feeders and equipment complement our pens to give you the perfect solution you are looking for.

How To Order

Get in touch

Call to connect and talk about your goals for your goat pen.

Quote & Order

Our experienced team will help you decide on the right size, number of panels or configuration, and then provide a quote for the pen!


With 50% down, your goat pens are built-to-order and ready to ship within 4-6 weeks!

The Pens and Systems We Manufacture

All-Purpose Confinement Pens for Goats, Sheep, and Small Animals

This pen system can be used in two different ways. You may purchase it simply as a stand-alone pen or purchase our wall-mounting pins to mount three panels against a wall as your fourth wall.

Kidding and Lambing Pens for Goats, Sheep, and Small Animals

This pen system is ideal for goat kidding and lambing needs. It is available as a free-standing or wall-mounted pen and has a versatile panel with openings placed at the top or bottom. We can also include an adjustment bar to increase or decrease opening size.


How Our Yoking and Milking Systems Work

Imagine that the headgate is a ladder lying on the ground. Behind each square of the ladder is a bucket of grain (or a trough of grain). When the does/ewes come into the milking parlor, they try to put their head down into the “ladder” so they can eat the grain in the bucket or trough on the other side. Goats and sheep will inevitably try to eat grain at the first head unit they come to.

This system is designed so the first doe/ewe has to walk to the end of the stanchion, or “ladder”, to get the grain.
When the doe/ewe puts her head down, she automatically opens the second-to-last head unit; she also locks herself into the yoking system.

This enables the next doe/ewe in line to put her head in the second-to-last unit, which opens the third-to-last head unit, and so on.

After milking is completed, one simple lever releases all the animals at once. By putting the lever back down, the yoking system is reset and ready to receive the next group of animals.

Both sheep and goats learn how to use the headgates within one to two weeks.

Shipping and Delivery

We ship your custom sheep or goat pens to your farm, where they can be assembled and installed easily on-site.

Equipment is delivered to your receiving street address (pricing based on zip code) using LTL common motor freight. You will need either a loading dock at the receiving address or make sure you specify that your delivery will require a liftgate.


What Our Customers Are Saying:

Frequently Asked Questions

Our parlors are shipped disassembled to your location and then reassembled by you and your team easily on-site.

If you need help, just call!

Order Your Goat Pens Today!

Our goat pens aren’t just a purchase, they’re an investment in your farm and herd's health, safety, and happiness. With goat pens by Little Mountain Steel Fabrication, you can alleviate the stress of managing inadequate stalls so you can focus on what really matters – the well-being and productivity of your goats.

Order custom galvanized steel goat pens by calling today!